Membership Signup Your detailsTITLEFIRST NAME(Required)SURNAME(Required)EMAIL(Required) PHONE(Required)ADDRESS(Required)SUBURB(Required)POSTCODE(Required)OCCUPATION(Required)DOB(Required) DD slash MM slash YYYY COMPANY (IF APPLICABLE)Membership categoryMEMBERSHIP (New Membership Nomination Fee $25 )(Required) SINGLE - $240 For individuals with Australian Citizenship or Residency FAMILY - $270 For families (2 adults, 2 children under 18) with Australian Citizenship or Residency PENSION - $90 For individuals pension card holders PENSION FAMILY - $105 For family of 2 pension card holders YOUTH - $110 For individuals 18 to 29 y/o. VISA HOLDER - $110 For individuals with temporary visa FREE SOCIAL MEMBERSHIP - Little Italy Festival first year FREE OVER 85 - $35 PENSION CARD NUMBER(Required)PARTNERFIRST NAME(Required)SURNAME(Required)DOB(Required) DD slash MM slash YYYY ChildrenRelationshipSonDaughterFirst NameLast NameDOB DD slash MM slash YYYY Add ChildrenRemove ChildrenSocial activitiesSocial activities POOL DARTS LET’S CATCH UP GOLF MEMBERSHIP $230 GOLF MEMBERSHIP $230 ADDITIONAL GOLF MEMBERSHIP $230 WAIGC members are reqired to pay additional fee & provide following info. I UNDERSTAND THE WAIGC MAY SHARE MY EMAIL WITH OFFICIAL CLUB SPONSORS.SECOND PERSON NAME(Required)SHIRT SIZEMen: 2XL, 3XL, 5XL Women: 8-22Are you a member of another golf club? (please provide details below)OTHER GOLF CLUBGOLF LINK NUMBERT&C All membership applications are subject to approval by the WA Italian Club Inc. Board of Management and proposing member/s. All new members are required to pay a one-off nomination fee with their initial application. Membership is payable annually and valid for 12 months from 1st October to 30th September. If you are joining mid-term, membership fees will be charged on a pro-rata basis. Each October you will receive an invoice to renew your membership. All members are required to pay the applicable membership renewal fees by the due date. It is a requirement of Western Australia Italian Golf Club (WAIGC) that all members are members of the WA Italian Club Inc. WAIGC members acknowledge that additional WAIGC fees include mandatory annual Golf Link registration fees. All non financial members will not be permitted to use the facilities and services of the WA Italian Club Inc. T&C(Required) I/WE AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE WA ITALIAN CLUB INC. CONSTITUTION AND TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF MEMBERSHIPPROPOSER(Required)SECONDER(Required)Password 14560